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Coffee & Queen: A Night At The Archive

A few items from our permanent Queen ad collection, displayed on the archive wall.  

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Spring is here! And with it a feeling of hope....

The recent state of emergency was lifted in Tokyo on March 21st, just in time for the arrival of Spring. With the lifting of restrictions I decided it was time to take a break from toiling in the archive (ha!) and head to the hills with my wife to enjoy some nature. We took the train to the very edge of Tokyo where there is a large national park full of mountains and rivers and all sorts of natural wonders to help refresh the spirit (not to mention beautiful old mountain shrines and temples). We were just in time to see the cherry blossoms which were in full bloom. The trip...

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Welcome to our House!

Hello and welcome to our new online home! After much dusting and polishing our doors are finally open and the archive is ready for visitors. Take your shoes off and come on in! You will be strolling through our online home here but the actual physical artifacts are located on the second floor of our 100 year old restored Tokyo home, affectionately known to us as The Heavenly Swamp House due to its location in Amanuma (a district or Tokyo that can be translated as 'Swamp In Heaven' or 'Heavenly Swamp' as I prefer). A lot of work and preparation has gone into creating this online...

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